Last updated on 31 December, 2023

Terms of Service



Young Capital AB (“Turquoise Summit”, “We”, or “Us”), headquartered in Norrköping, Sweden, curates chartered sailing experiences tailored for entrepreneurs, investors, and other contributors involved in startup ecosystems globally (an “Event”).


1.1 Event and Venue Curation: Turquoise Summit specialises in event organisation and curation, crafting unique experiences by securing venues, specifically yachts, on behalf of our audience.

1.2 Our Audience: We bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and contributors from various startup ecosystems worldwide (the “Participant”), to offer a unique meeting ground fostering entrepreneurship, collaboration, and growth. By participating in an Event, We invite You to join Our dynamic community to promote entrepreneurship, collaboration, and growth, regardless of Your specific role in the entrepreneurial landscape.

1.3 Accountability Limitations: We collaborate with trusted service providers, including yacht rental and essential onboard services (the “Service Partners”), to ensure a top-notch participant experience during Our unique Events. While We take every measure to collaborate with trusted service providers, Turquoise Summit cannot be held accountable or liable for any potential misconduct, inadequacies, or shortcomings on the part of Our third-party service providers. Our responsibility lies in organising and curating the Events, and We aim to foster a positive and safe environment for Our participants. For more details on Our limited liability, see Section 9.

1.4 Participant Acknowledgment: As a potential or actual Participant, You are encouraged to read and understand Turquoise Summit’s role as they guide these Terms. By participating in one of our Events, You acknowledge and accept these Terms.


2.1. Registration Agreement: These Terms of Service (the “Terms”) form the legal agreement governing Your online registration, physical attendance, and participation at an Event, encompassing all related aspects between You (“You,” the “Participant”) and Us.

2.2. Age Representation: You affirm and warrant that You are legally eligible to enter into a binding contract and that You are, or will be, 21 years old or older on the first day of the Event.

2.3 Acceptance of Terms: By acquiring a ticket to one of Our events, You explicitly acknowledge having read, comprehended, and agreed to adhere to these Terms, including any future changes. We retain the sole discretion to alter or amend these Terms at any time. In such instances, We will publish the modifications on this page and specify the date of the last revision at the top of the page. If You do not consent to these Terms, please do not register, attend, or participate in an Event.

2.4. Ticket Confirmation: A binding agreement is established upon the confirmation of Your ticket purchase.

2.5. Special Journey Conditions: Given the distinctive nature of our events, they are categorised as a ‘special journey’ (Swe: särskild resa) under Article 1.13 Deviating Conditions (Swe: Avvikande Villkor) in the General Terms and Conditions of the Swedish Travel Agency and Organizer Association (Swe: Svenska resebyrå- och arrangörsföreningen, SRF), established within the industry on June 28, 2018 (revised on May 20, 2021). To see the full general terms, please read them here.

2.6 For Swedish Participants: The right of withdrawal (Swe: ångerrätten) according to The Act on Distance Contracts and Off-Premises Contracts (Swe: Lagen om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler) does not apply to these Terms.


3.1. Booking Procedure: By outlining the booking process below, We hope to ensure a seamless and transparent booking experience for You:

  • Step 1: To initiate Your booking, access the dedicated event page on Eventbrite, containing information specific to the event (the “Event Page”). Each event We host has its unique Event Page. The indicated price on the Event Page exclusively pertains to the Attendance Part of Your booking (see Article 3.2).
  • Step 2: Upon deciding to attend, complete Your purchase via the Event Page. This action secures Your attendance and concludes the booking process.

We use Eventbrite as Our event management platform (the “Booking Platform”), as well as their secure payment solution for the tickets We offer our Participants (the “Ticket Service Provider”). For questions about Eventbrite’s Terms of Service, please read them here.

3.2. Booking Breakdown: Your booking comprises two parts:

  • Attendance Part: This secures Your cabin and a seat at the dining table (the “Attendence Part”). The Attendence Part is booked and paid for, in full, via Our Ticket Service Provider when You decide to participate in an Event. For payment details, see Section 4.

  • Food Coma Part: This includes food and unlimited drinks throughout the Event (the “Food Coma Part”). While You book and pay for the Attendence Part through the Event Page, the Food Coma Part is settled upon arrival, in cash, directly to the captain. As required by Our Service Partner, the payment for the Food Coma Part can only be made in person to the yacht captain, necessitating this division of payment. The Food Coma Part includes:

    • a) Breakfasts from Sunday (the day after boarding) to Saturday (the day of disembarkation).
    • b) Lunches from Sunday (the day after boarding) to Friday (the day before disembarkation).
    • c) Dinners from Saturday (the day of boarding) to Friday (the day before disembarkation).
    • d) Unlimited snacks and drinks (alcoholic and nonalcoholic).

3.3. Booking Confirmation: Upon completing the purchase for the selected Event tickets, a booking confirmation is directly sent to Your email address. This confirmation fulfills Our obligation as stated in Article 2.4. If, for any reason, You do not receive a confirmation at the email address You provided, please contact Us immediately, and We will sort out the issue.

3.4. Travel Documents: Full travel documents are sent to You no later than five (5) days before departure.

3.5. Main Participant Responsibility: If You make a booking for more participants than Yourself, You will be Our main point of contact regarding all communication regarding the Event and the people in Your booking (the “Main Participant”). If You are making a booking solely for Yourself, You are by default deemed as the Main Participant.

3.6. Minimum Participant Requirement: To ensure the execution of all Our events, a minimum of ten (10) participants is required for each individual event to take place. This participant count must be achieved no later than seventy-five (75) days before the planned departure. If this requirement is not met, please refer to Article 5.2.5.

3.7. Boarding and Disembarkation Times: Standard boarding time is Saturdays at 3 pm local time (EET), while standard disembarkation time is Saturdays at 10 am local time (EET). We reserve the right to alter the boarding and disembarkation times in the ticket as preliminary, citing unforeseen events that cannot be predicted and may affect boarding and disembarkation. Turquoise Summit will send exact departure times and the itinerary for the Event no later than five (5) days before departure.

3.8. Additional Requests: Requests or add-ons at the participant’s request are not included in the basic agreement but can be added after the purchase of a ticket, only if confirmed in writing by Turquoise Summit.

3.9. Media Usage Consent: By attending the Event, You acknowledge and agree that You might be photographed or recorded by Us or Our partners. You agree to permit Us, or any third party licensed by Us, to use, distribute, broadcast, or otherwise globally disseminate Your likeness, name, job title, company name, voice, and words in perpetuity in television, radio, film, newspapers, magazines, and other media now available and hereafter developed, both before, during, and any time after the event, and in any form, without any further approval from You or any payment to You. This grant includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit the media, the right to use the media (alone or together with other information), and the right to allow others to use or distribute the media.


4.1. Ticket Purchase: The payment of Your event ticket(s) is processed through Our Ticket Service Provider.

4.2. Ticket Purchase Fee: Our Ticket Service Provider charges Us a separate fee for their service for every ticket sold, on a pay-as-You-go basis. In case the Participant wishes to cancel a purchased ticket or otherwise requests a refund, We can only refund the amount paid to Us, exclusive of the Ticket Service Provider fee.

4.3. Price Information: In Our commitment to clarity and transparency, We provide accessible pricing details for the all-inclusive event on Our Website and in Our brochures. Please be aware that We retain the right to adjust Our presented prices at any time, ensuring flexibility in response to various considerations or unforeseen circumstances.

4.4. Ticket Prices and VAT: The applicable ticket prices shown on the Event Page absorb the VAT and a sales service fee paid to the Ticket Service Provider for all participants residing outside of Sweden. For Swedish participants as private individuals, a VAT will be added on top of the price, as We cannot absorb the tax domestically. For Swedish participants as corporations having a valid F Tax Registration (Swe: F-skattesedel), the VAT can be waived as per usual upon declaring VAT to the Swedish Tax Agency (Swe: Skatteverket).

4.5. Complete Ticket Payment: The Participant must pay the entire ticket price upon reservation, eliminating the need for a deposit. For a single event, full payment must be settled no later than 75 days before the scheduled departure. Your payment, in full, is mandatory if the trip is booked 74 days or less from departure. We reserve the right to change the date of the final payment if the due date is changed by Our Service Partners. Any applicable fees and charges incurred by the Participant’s payment option remain the exclusive responsibility of the Participant.

4.6. Currency and Price Changes: All prices are listed in euros (€) and per person, unless otherwise specified. We reserve the right to change prices whenever We deem necessary to arrange an Event or provide an additional service. Already paid for tickets and/or services are not subject to price changes. Note that local prices might be in a different currency.

4.7. Ticket Inclusions and Exclusions: A valid ticket ensures Your participation in the selected Event as a Participant but excludes any costs associated with travel to and from the point of embarkation and disembarkation, as well as any accommodation costs incurred by You prior to and after the Event. We have no liability for any such costs or expenses.

4.8. Discount Offers: We may offer certain discounted ticket promotions from time to time to encourage attendance at an event. We are not obligated to offer any discounts for a particular event and reserve the right to change or withdraw a discount offer at any time at Our sole discretion.

4.10. Main Participant Responsibilities: The Main Participant is the person in whose name the agreement has been made. The Main Participant is stated first in the travel documents or in another clear manner. The Main Participant is financially responsible according to the agreement. All changes and any cancellation must be made by the Main Participant. Exceptions can be made if the Main Participant becomes seriously ill and cannot make the change or cancellation. The Main Participant is responsible for providing Turquoise Summit with correct booking details for other Participants covered by the agreement. Any refund will be made to the Main Participant.

4.11. Ticket Confirmation Review: The Participant is obliged to check the booking confirmation as soon as they are received and ensure that all details are correct, including the correct spelling of names and matching with the passport. Any inaccuracies must be reported immediately. Turquoise Summit reserves the right to charge a fee equal to the actual cost of correcting incorrect information, plus reasonable compensation for the additional work that the correction entails. If the inaccuracy is due to Turquoise Summit or any third party hired by Us, the correction shall be made at no cost to the participant.

4.12. Failure to Make Payment: If the Participant does not pay the price of the trip in accordance with these Terms, We have the right to terminate the agreement and charge reasonable compensation. The Participant must be able to show full payment before departure.



5.1.1. Right to Cancel: Participants have the right to cancel purchased tickets at any time. However, eligibility for a refund after cancellation is subject to Subsection 5.3.

5.1.2. Cancellation Procedure: If You or any member of Your party wants or needs to cancel, You have to inform Us in writing as soon as You have made this decision. NEEDS TO BE EXPANDED.

5.1.3. Significant Changes: If a Participant wishes to terminate the agreement due to a significant change, such as a price increase exceeding 10% of the package travel’s total price, written notification to Us is required.

5.1.4. NEEDS A TITLE: We cannot be held responsible if the reason for the change can be blamed on You, and all costs will be charged to You.

5.1.5. Information Updates: The Main Participant must immidiately inform Us of any changes to contact information, or other information relevant to Our ability to contact the participant(s).

5.1.6. Booking Changes: There are two different types of changes that can be made to a confirmed booking, which have different deadlines and fees:

  • a) General Changes: General Changes, defined as other changes than name changes, are allowed up to twenty-eight (28) days before departure, incurring a €50 fee per Participant.
  • b) Name Changes: Changes to names of Participants can be made up to seventy-one (71) days before departure for a fee of €50 per Participant. Changes made seventy (70) days or less before departure can be made for a fee of €100 per Participant.

No changes are possible to a booking twenty-eight (28) days or less before departure.


5.2.1 Changes to Itinerary or Event: As Our Events are meticulously planned well in advance, occasional adjustments, error corrections, or modifications in brochures, websites, and other informational platforms may be necessary. These changes may occur both before and after Your ticket is confirmed. We reserve the right to modify the itinerary of an Event if deemed necessary by the Service Provider, captain, or their replacements. This could be due to factors such as, but not limited to, weather conditions, changes in moorings, or government regulations.

5.2.2 Minor Changes: We reserve the right to introduce minor changes to an Event. Minor alterations do not entitle You to any compensation, nor to cancel or switch to another event without obtaining a new ticket.

5.2.3 Excursions and Add-ons: Please note that while excursions and add-ons may be confirmed throughout the period up until departure, circumstances beyond Our control may necessitate substitutions, alterations, or cancellations of the planned excursions and/or add-ons. As such, We reserve the right to change and/or modify the advertised programme, excursions, and/or add-ons if necessary without any liability toward the Participant whatsoever. Any substitutions or adjustments to the foregoing will be communicated to concerned Participants as soon as possible.

5.2.4. Unforseeable Cancellation: We may terminate Your booking only under significant circumstances and with immediate effect, defined as unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond Our control.

5.2.5. Minimum Number Cancellation: We reserve the right to cancel the booking before departure if the minimum number of participants in an Event is below ten (10) (a “Minimum Number Cancellation”). Notification will be provided by Us as soon as such a decision is taken, and no later than seventy (70) days before the start of the Event. Unfortunately, no compensation can be guaranteed for a Minimum Number Cancellation, as it involves obligations and fees payable on Our end to Our Service Partner. In the event of a Minimum Number Cancellation, We understand the disappointment and inconvenience this may cause to participants who have already purchased tickets. We empathise with Your situation and assure You that We will make every effort to explore options, including the possibility of providing refunds, partially or in full, to ensure fairness and satisfaction for Our Participants.


5.3.1. Refund Options: Due to the curated nature of Our events, a singular refund option is offered, outlined as follows:

  • If You cancel 76 days or more before the scheduled departure, a 40% refund of the ticket price is applicable. The Ticket Service Provider fee is non-refundable.
  • Refund requests made 75 days or less before the scheduled departure are not eligible for any refund due to Our obligations to Our Service Provider, and the ticket price, including the Ticket Service Provider fee, is non-refundable.

5.3.2. No Show: Participants do not have the right to a refund for an unused ticket or unused parts of an Event.


5.4.1. No Rebooking Policy: Due to the highly seasonal nature of Our events, rebookings are not offered. If You wish to attend a different Event, please cancel Your current ticket and request a refund following Subsection 5.3. Then, purchase a new ticket for the specific Event You prefer.

5.4.2. No Transfer Policy: As all tickets are personal, We do not offer ticket transfers. Each ticket is valid only for the individual named in the booking. If needed, please follow the cancellation procedure outlined in Section 5.1.2 and, if desired, purchase a new ticket for the intended Participant.


6.1. Participant Entry Requirements: The Participant assumes full responsibility for possessing all necessary and valid documents to enter Turkey.

6.2. Correctness and Validity of Documents: As the holder of an Event ticket, You are solely responsible for ensuring the correctness and validity of all required documents, including, but not limited to, a valid passport, visa(s), vaccination(s), health certification(s), and insurance(s). If an entry visa is required, You are responsible to allow for sufficient time for the application procedure.

6.3. Passport Validity: Your passport must be valid for at least six (6) months from the date of entry into Turkey, with a minimum of three (3) months’ validity beyond Your departure date. Upon entering Turkey, Your passport must have at least sixty (60) days’ validity beyond the expiry date of Your visa.

6.4. Visa Requirements: Before booking Your ticket, check visa requirements and necessary paperwork with the Turkish Embassy, Turkish Immigration, or the Turkish Tourist Office to ensure compliance with regulations during Your stay in Turkey.

6.5. Travel Insurance: Participants must possess travel insurance(s) that is/are valid before, during and after an Event, and should cover injuries incurred during water sports, as well as repatriation, luggage, medical expenses, accidents, legal advice, personal assistance, and any extraordinary expenses.

6.6. Schengen Area Travel: For events including travel to the Greek islands, ensure You additionally have the correct documents for entering the Schengen Area, such as a ‘Schengen’ visa. Consult with Your Greek embassy, Greek Immigration, and/or Greek Tourist office. Non-European citizens or European citizens not holding a full passport from a European Union (EU) member country must consult the relevant embassy or consulate for this information.

For Your convenience, We have included some useful links below. However, keep in mind that it is still Your responsibility to acquire the neccessary information to ensure You can enter Turkey and/or Greece:

  1. Turkey e-Visa Application Website
  2. The Official Travel Guide to Turkey
  3. The Official website of the Greek National Tourism Organisation

6.7. Main Participant Responsibility: If You are the Main Participant, You are responsible for ensuring that all other Participants of Your party meet the requirements of Article 6.1.

6.8. Participant Expressions: You acknowledge and agree that views expressed by other Participants at or in connection with the Event are their own. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for any advice given or views expressed during or in connection with the Event.


7.1. Compliance with Instructions: It is Your responsibility to follow all instructions provided bu Us and/or Our Service Partner(s) to ensure the Event’s seamless operation. Additionally, You are liable for any damages arising from improper and/or unlawful conduct by You.

7.2. Exclusion from Participation: We reserve the right to exclude You from an ongoing as well as any future Event(s) if Your behaviour disrupts the normal course of an Event. You will be held liable for any associated costs incurred, unless You can demonstrate that the exclusion is not attributable to Your actions.

7.3. Travel Insurance Requirement: It is a contractual condition that You arrange travel insurance covering all Participants of Your booking. Should You not have such insurance … THEN WHAT?

7.4. Responsibility for Transfers: The transfer We provide from the airport to the harbour, and vice versa, is an additional service. You are fully responsible for monitoring Your flight and transfer times. We cannot be held responsible if You miss a flight.

7.5. Expectation Management: By outlining some expectations to manage below, We hope to ensure an enjoyable and rewarding Event experience for You:

  • a) Culture of the Country/ies: It is important to recognise the cultural distinctions in Turkey and Greece, which may vary from cultures and norms familiar to You. These differences span diverse values, behaviours, culinary practices, and climates. We want to advise You to adjust Your expectations accordingly.

  • b) Culture of Participants: Acknowledging these cultural diversities and differences, potential adjustments might also be necessary to the other Participants of the Event. By participating in an Event, You commit to enter the Event with an open, non-judgemental mind to these differencies, ensuring a smoother and more fulfilling experience throughout the duration of an Event.

  • c) Unplanned Changes to an Event: Please be aware that scheduled trips or other additional components of an Event might be subject to cancellation due to unpredictable weather conditions. Additionally, local authorities may, without notice, temporarily close attractions, and monuments, churches, and mosques may also experience temporary closures during holidays and religious festivals.

  • d) Standard of Amenities: We also want to advise You of possibly adjusting Your expectations for the quality of yacht amenities, which may not align with the standards of your home or hotel facilities that You are used to.

7.6. No-Smoking Policy: Smoking is prohibited in cabins onboard the yachts. It is only allowed on the aft and sun deck, as well as inside the lounge area by joint agreement. Please be considerate of the preferences of fellow Participants.


8.1 Main Responsibility: Our main responsibility is to provide You with the Event, with the exception of the provisions outlined in Article 5.2.5 (Minimum Number Cancellation) and Section 10 (Force Majeure) of these Terms.

8.2. Deficient Implementation: In the event of a service not being executed as per the agreement, Turquoise Summit shall rectify the defect within a reasonable timeframe. However, We are not obligated to remedy the defect if it proves impossible or if rectification would incur disproportionate cost to Us. Should We fail to address the defect, You, as the customer, may be entitled to a reduction in price and compensation.

8.3. Equivalent Alternatives at Arrival: Following Your arrival, if a substantial portion of the agreed-upon services cannot be delivered, Turquoise Summit will, wherever feasible, arrange equivalent or, at the very least, comparable alternatives at no additional expense to You. In instances where this is not possible, We may suggest alternatives of lower quality along with a reasonable reduction in price. You may only decline such alternatives if they cannot be deemed comparable to those initially agreed upon or if the proposed price reduction is deemed unreasonable.

8.4. No Feasible Alternatives Offered: In situations where Turquoise Summit cannot provide any alternatives, or if You have the right to reject such alternatives as per 8.3, You may be eligible for a reduction in price and compensation.

8.5. Termination Right for Persistent Defects: Should defects significantly impacting the execution of the package persist, and Turquoise Summit fails to address them within a reasonable timeframe, You retain the right to terminate the agreement and may also be entitled to a reduction in price and compensation.

8.6. Equivalent Homeward Transport: In cases where Turquoise Summit cannot offer alternatives, or if You have the right to reject such alternatives as outlined in 8.3, or if You have terminated the agreement in accordance with 8.5, You are entitled to equivalent homeward transport without undue delay and at no additional cost, provided the package includes transport, and You are located at the travel destination.


9.1. Booking Issues: Turquoise Summit bears no responsibility for booking issues attributed to You.

9.2. Entry and Admission: Turquoise Summit accepts no liability should You be denied entry onto flights and/or into countries, for any reason whatsoever. We will not offer You a refund if denied entry that affects Your participation at an Event.

9.3. Additional Services: We do not provide extra services related to the Event, for example, but not limited to, hotel reservations. Turquoise Summit is not liable for any damage(s) caused by You in relation to additional services acquired by You.

9.4. Lost Property: While We are not responsible for any lost property before, during and after the Event, We will make every effort We can to assist You in recovering Your lost item(s).

9.5. Event Outcomes: Turquoise Summit does not guarantee any specific outcomes during the Event, including the presence, absence, or location of other Participants. Your event experience is subject to personal arrangements, and satisfaction cannot be assured.

9.6. Venue and Participant Liability: We are not responsible for venue or participant actions. Personal arrangements, travel, accommodation, and related costs are at Your own risk. We are not liable for sunk or unrecoverable costs, even if caused by Event changes. Materials provided during, or in connection with, an Event are for informational purposes. Do not solely rely on these materials, as We and Our Service Partners do not guarantee their completeness or accuracy. We assume no responsibility or liability for reliance on any aspect of the Event and/or information provided.

9.7. Venue Actions and Unforeseen Events: Turquoise Summit reserves the right for unforeseen events beyond our control that may affect Events. We disclaim liability for venue actions or failures unless caused by negligence.

9.8. Limitation of Damage Liability: We assume no responsibility for damages covered by mandatory travel and cancellation insurance(s) (refer to Article 6.5). In the event of Turquoise Summit being deemed liable under Section 12, Our liability is capped at half of the Event price paid by the claiming Participant, excluding processing fees, Ticket Service Provider fees and bank charges. Importantly, Turquoise Summit holds no liability for losses, including economic losses, incurred by You.

9.9. Employee and Service Partner Liability: These limitations also apply to Our employees and Service Partners unless international conventions or local laws state otherwise.


10.1. When Nature Is Acting Up: Turquoise Summit will not be liable to the User for any breach, omission, delay or non-performance of its obligations in any event of Force Majeure. Force Majeure shall mean any event mentioned below or any other event, impediment or circumstance occurring within or affecting an event organised by Us, which:

  • (i) is not within reasonable control of Turquoise Summit;
  • (ii) could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome without unreasonable expense and/or loss of time to Turquoise Summit; and
  • (iii) is not attributable to Turquoise Summit. If such a Force Majeure event results in delay or non-performance of a Turquoise Summit Event, then We will, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, have the right to cancel the event without any liability towards the Participants.

For the purposes of clarity, examples of “Force Majeure Events” include, but are not limited to, the following circumstances:

  • any act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, hostilities, armed conflict, armed attack or act of foreign enemy, blockage, embargo, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, act of terrorism or sabotage;
  • hybrid warfare or hybrid influencing activities by state or non-state actors;
  • cyberattacks;
  • act of authority whether lawful or unlawful, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule regulation or direction, curfew restriction, expropriation, compulsory acquisition, seizure of works nationalisation;
  • strikes or go-slows and lock outs that are widespread or nation-wide;
  • natural events including but not limited to lightning, fire, earthquake, flood, storm, ice, cyclone, typhoon or tornado; and epidemic or other outbreaks of diseases;
  • radioactive contamination, ionising radiation, explosion or chemical contamination; or
  • sanctions, restrictions, prohibitions, disturbances or interruptions or other circumstances materially restricting air travel or other forms of international travel.

10.2. COVID-19: For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure Event includes the effects of COVID-19 pandemic to the extent such pandemic results in authority restrictions or other effects which are materially more burdensome than what is reasonably foreseeable on the Effective Date of these Terms, including possible COVID-19 mutations. A Force Majeure Event suffered by a Service Partner of Turquoise Summit shall also discharge Turquoise Summit from liability if subcontracting from another source cannot be made without unreasonable costs or a significant delay.

10.3. Termination Limitation: The participant does not have the right to terminate the agreement if the unavoidable and extraordinary events were generally known at the time when the agreement was entered into.


11.1. Notification of Complaint: If You have a complaint about any aspect of Your Event experience You must notify our local representative and the supplier of the service(s) in question within two (2) days in writing. We or They must immediately look for appropriate solutions. If the complaint is not resolved satisfactorily, it must be submitted in writing to Us within five (5) working days after the end of the Event. If the Event was cancelled, the same complaint period will apply. If a complaint does not involve the implementation but the creation of a travel contract, You will need to make an official complaint in writing within one week after this complaint has been made.

11.2. Legal Recourse: If You are not satisfied with the solution offered, You have the right to involve the competent court as mentioned in Section 12. This right to claim expires two (2) months after the end of the Event, or if the Event did not take place, two (2) months after the original departure date.

11.3. Quality Disclaimer: Although We aim to make every Event as excellent as possible and work closely with Our Service Partners to ensure all our trips are of the highest quality, We take no responsibility for the quality of the yacht, onboard service, and crew.


12.1. Governing Law: These Terms shall be governed by the laws of Sweden, excluding any provisions allowing for choice of law. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms, or the breach, termination or validity thereof, shall be subject to amicable negotiations between the Participant and Truquoise Summit.

12.2. Dispute Resolution for Legal Entities: If the Participant is a legal entity and no amicable settlement is reached, the dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach, termination or validity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. The number of arbitrators shall be one (1). The seat of arbitration shall be Stockholm, Sweden. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

12.3. Dispute Resolution for Private Individuals: If the Participant is a consumer and no amicable settlement is reached, the dispute shall be settled by the District Court of Norrköping as the first instance. If the consumer is residing in the European Union, they may also refer a dispute to online dispute resolution provided by the European Commission (please see Swedish consumers may initiate proceedings in the court of their domicile or refer a dispute to the Swedish Consumer Disputes Board (Allmänna reklamationsnämnden, ARN), Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm,

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Service, please contact Us at